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  • Drink, live, love Soave
  • An ever- evolving blog project
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    An ever- evolving blog project

    Dear friends, here we are ready to start a new adventure!
    It is with great enthusiasm and excitement (we admit it, our hands are shaking) that we announce our blog is finally fulfilled. If you are wondering why we decided to do this, we can give you a simple and maybe predictable answer. This is our home, the best place that we have in order to pour out our desire to tell you, share and let you know our reality. But there is more than this.
     It was in the air, since we started to feel the need to reach you, wherever in the world you are. Our wish is to let you share in what we would like you to know and we would like to tell you, and keep you some company as well. The reasons why we opened this blog are so many that we could write a poem about it, but we prefer to leave this job to the more poetic Dante. Our blog as a magazine “wine column” (that sounds so vintage, but that we like way more), where we will also have the chance to answer your questions and curiosity in the section “The winelovers post” (wine lovers only, we are not the best counselors for broken hearts, but we can remedy with a nice glass of wine).
    You are the best source of inspiration for our blog, besides what goes on around us: starting from the recipes, to the best food-wine matches, from the events and the beauties in our land of Soave, passing through the life in the vineyard to the table manners, everything will reach you click by click…but we do not want to reveal too much. We are concious that our wine column is an ever-evolving project, we have plenty of ideas and they are constantly moving. So get ready to discover, day after day, all that we have always wanted to tell!



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