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    Impepata di cozze

    L'impepata di cozze è il piatto di pesce perfetto per l’estate, semplice, veloce e gustosissimo! Seguite la nostra ricetta passo passo e non dimenticate di mettere in frigo una bottiglia di Pinot Grigio Villa Mattielli ;-) Ingredienti: - Cozze 1 kg - Pomodorini datterini  400 gr - Aglio 2 spicchi - Peperoncino fresco - Vino bianco 50 g - Olio extravergine d'oliva - Pepe nero q.b. - Sale fino q.b. - Prezzemolo fresco q.b. - Pane pugliese 8 fette Dopo aver...

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    Pappardelle pasta with asparagus and shrimps

    It’s asparagus time! How to choose the best asparagus? There are different varieties of asparagus, which differentiates according to the area they are cultivated in and to their colour (white, green and purplish). Also, asparagus can be cultivated (Asparagus Officinalis) or wild (Asparagus Acutifolius, in Veneto region known as “bruscandoli”). Did you know that the difference between white and green asparagus is given by sun light exposure? During their growing process, asparagus are white until they come out of the soil. Only when they get the sun light they...

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    Strawberries risotto

    It's spring time and strawberries are almost ready to brighten our days up! So here you are our recipe to prepare a yummy risotto with strawberries. Ingredients: - 350 gr strawberries - 300 gr Vialone Nano rice - 2 shallots - Vegetable stock - 1 bottle of Brut "Giada" Rosè - 30 gr butter - olive oil - salt - Grated Parmigiano It's cooking time! Heat the stock and, in a separate pan, heat the olive oil. Chop the shallots finely and fry it in the oil very slowly until they get slightly translucent. Add the rice, turn up the heat...

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    Happy Venerdì Gnocolar!

    In Verona, the Carnival fest is known as "Venerdì Gnocolar”. The origins of this name, also known as Bacanàl del Gnoco, bring us back to a traditional legend. The Carnival in Verona is one of the mst ancient of Europe,that is still active. It was born in 1531, after a bad famine that caused sky-high prices for the flour, and cause of it a bakeries lockout. Then a riot of the poor people, most of them living in San Zeno area, at the time one of the places where used to live many poor people. In order to calm them down, some of the richest in town bought...

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