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  • The grape path to ripeness: the veraison
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    The grape path to ripeness: the veraison

    The harvest is getting close and the grapes are getting close to ripeness.

    Some clusters are more ripe than others and the berries are all of the same colour.

    Though, some clusters take it easy and they take their time to ripe: you can recognize them because the berries colour may change from one berry to the other. This is what is called "veraison" or colour change.

    What veraison is?

    The veraison is the phenologic phase in which we can see the change of colour of the berries when they grow up well. In the case of the red grapes the colour of the berries from green turns red, while the white grapes turn to yellow. During the veraison there is the progressive increase of the sugar content inside the berries and a decrease of the acidity. The berry gets bgger and it becomes more elastic, losing the typical hardness of the unripe fruit.

    The rhythm of nature

    It is important to keep in mind that the nature has its own rhythm and, depending on the climate, it can change every year. The veraison does not happens at the same time on each berry of a cluster and also in all the vines of the vineyard.

    Corvina grape during veraison

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