Good wine makes good blood!
Many of you might have noticed how, during the summer, magazines and tv shows dedicates a lot of time describing which benefits the food has on our body.
Today we want to tell you how wine can help us to live better every day (and not only in party time!).
Let’s start debunking a common myth that says red wine is good for the health while white wine only gives headache. Moderate wine consumption (both red or white) is scientifically proved to prevent cardiovascular diseases, to improve the immune system and reduce the risk of depression.
But what is moderate wine consumption? Well, one bottle per day per person, unfortunately, is not moderate. The useful dose of wine is estimated to be up to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men , during the meals.
According to the most recent studies, here you are some of the properties of wine:
- Provides benefits to the heart with its cardio-protective properties
- May reduce the risk of depression
- Can reduce the rate of cancer
- It has anti-ageing properties
- Protecting from severe sunburn
One curiosity: wine is at the origin of the French paradox, which is based on the observation of low coronary heart disease rates despite high intake of dietary cholesterol and saturated fat (compared to other countries with the same eating habits). Researches showed that the main difference may be in the French daily wine consumption.
As we say here…”Bon vin fa bon sangue” (good wine makes good blood)!
Cheers, VM