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    Anche Soave "s'illumina di meno"

    Oggi è la giornata internazionale dedicata al risparmio energetico, “M’illumino di meno”. Ecco dieci piccoli accorgimenti per salvaguardare la nostra Terra, non solo nella giornata di oggi! IL DECALOGO DI M’ILLUMINO DI MENO 10 buone abitudini per la giornata di M’illumino di Meno (e anche dopo!) 1. spegnere le luci quando non servono 2. spegnere e non lasciare in stand by gli apparecchi elettronici 3. sbrinare frequentemente il frigorifero; tenere la serpentina pulita e distanziata dal muro in modo che possa circolare...

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    Renga, the ultimate treat for fish lovers

    "Renga" is the ultimate treat for fish lovers, a traditional dish of herring commonly eaten on Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the Lenten season. The herring festival "Festa de la Renga" takes place in Parona, a small village by the banks of river Adige, where the tradition begins. Back then the river was navigable and Parona was an obligated stopover, as the river crossing was forbidden during the weekend. The sailors from Northern Europe, during these stops, used to eat at the typical taverns in Parona and they usually paid back with the stowed good...

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    Carnival in Verona: Venerdì gnocolar

    Today is Carnival Friday and as tradition has it, you have no choice: gnocchi is the thing! And talking of gnocchi, in Verona we go with a beautiful poem. Written by Berto Barbarani, the poet of Verona (he writes in dialect), the poem “La cabala del gnoco” is a funny and expert description of the gnocchi making, and it goes like this…  ________________________________________ LA CABALA DEL GNOCO (Berto Barbarani) Eco qua, mondo pitoco, (here it is, poor world) la gran cabala del gnoco! (the great fest of gnocchi)   Drita in...

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    Traditions of Verona: soprèssa e vin

    Soppressa veneta (soprèssa in our dialect), an aged salami produced with the finest meats of pork, pepper, spices and sometimes garlic, is the symbol of the social relationships in Veneto region. In the past, butchering was up to the most expert person, the bacàn, with the help of the entire community. This occasion was the chance for the people to get together and work for the community, but also to enjoy the food, traditionally soppressa and wine. In Verona, nowadays, this old tradition is still alive and it is performed at the time of the year when the pork becomes...

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